The Big Picture in Divorce

No one wants the short end of the stick, especially in a divorce. This goes for both you and your spouse. However, the reality is that no one is going to “win” – this isn’t a wrestling match. The only alternative is arriving at a split of assets, debt, income, and time with children. Whether or not the split will fit your particular situation is largely up to you and your spouse.

Your lawyer can tell you how he/she thinks a judge will rule, but the ruling may or may not fit either of your values or lifestyles. Besides, most cases are settled before they get to the court room. If yours is one of the rare cases that goes to trial, the judge will rule based on what he or she thinks is right based on the law and the judge's own perspective, which may be inconsistent with what you might consider most equitable or appropriate.

Take charge of your divorce. This doesn’t pushing for a bigger settlement. It means taking the time to do a careful review of what you really want out of life, acknowledging that your spouse has his/her own wants, and working towards an agreement that accommodates both of you. If your spouse's wants are not sufficiently addressed, he/she is much less likely to enter into an agreement with you.

Beware the tempest in a teapot that can be divorce. It’s far too easy to swirl around inside the teapot without looking at the big picture. Your life will take on a new form after your divorce. Decisions you make now will shape that form. To try to keep things in perspective, think about what what it might be like in the future when you look back on your divorce with the benefit of hindsight.

Good professional support to help you maintain a "big picture" perspective in your divorce can be very helpful. That help can be from a divorce lawyer, divorce mediator, and/or therapist. Certain dispute resolution processes, such as mediation and collaborative practice, often routinely include an element of keeping the big picture in mind in your divorce.